We would like to notify users of a change to our data retention policy for expired free trial accounts and cancelled paid accounts:
Expired free trial accounts or cancelled paid accounts that have been inactive for a period of 6 months or more will be deleted, along with all associated data. Users will receive a notification of pending deletion, and may (re-)subscribe to a paid account to prevent the deletion of the account and associated data.
When you cancel your subscription, you will continue to have full access to your account until the end of your current subscription period.
After that, for a period of 6 months, you will continue to have access to:
- all of the assignments you have created
- all of the submissions you have received
- all of the materials you have uploaded
In addition, you will be able to view and download:
- submissions for existing assignments
- grades for existing submissions
However, you will not be able to perform any of the following actions until you re-upgrade to a paid subscription:
- create, copy, or import new assignments
- create, copy, or import new lessons
- create or import new courses
- receive new submissions on existing assignment
After a period of 6 months has elapsed, the account and all associated data will be deleted in accordance with the notice at the top of this article.