Prices for ZenGengo institutional accounts vary based on the size of the school. As such, the first step in getting set-up with an institutional account is to contact us to let us know how many teacher accounts you require as well as how many students will be accessing ZenGengo assignments. These figures need not be exact. A rough estimate will be sufficient for us to provide a quote for the subscription.
If you decide to go ahead with purchasing a subscription, we will create an institutional account on the platform and supply you with a teacher access code. This code is entered by teachers after they have registered on the system, and provides them with Teacher Plus access for the duration of the subscription. The process for teachers is simple, and step-by-step instructions are provided in this guide.
At this time, we will also ask you to nominate someone from your institution to serve as the account administrator. The primary role of the administrator is to distribute the teacher access code to colleagues so that they are able to register themselves as member of the institution. The administrator will also serve as the point of contact within the school should we need to get in touch.